Significant results in climate change prevention cannot be obtained without broad participation of business, as it has a direct or indirect impact on more than 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The corporate carbon footprint is the main measurable index demonstrating the scale of business challenges in terms of mitigating climate change. But this is only the first step towards sustainable business.


Climate competitiveness

Why should companies calculate their carbon footprint? Read our report on reducing carbon footprint and the climate competitiveness of Polish companies. This publication was designed as a comprehensive guide on climate competitiveness. It is addressed to owners, supervisory boards, management boards and directors of medium and large Polish companies. The aim of the study is to provide a knowledge compendium to readers who have not had any contact with issues related to the carbon footprint, climate strategies, or energy transition so far.

Calculate your carbon footprint

The foundation for external carbon footprint reporting is the compliance of your calculations with the GHG Protocol standard for the calculation of greenhouse gases. Our experts calculate the carbon footprint of companies (broken down into Scopes 1, 2 and 3), as well as individual products and services. In addition to a dedicated tool for calculating the carbon footprint (calculator), you also receive an extensive report (compliant with the GRI standard) and a methodological certificate. Depending on the availability of data, its organization, and provision in a given company, as well as the complexity of a given product, the carbon footprint of a company or a product can be calculated within 6 to 12 weeks. We will then show you how to leverage these calculations in business.

Set up an emission reduction strategy

We believe that reducing the carbon footprint and building climate competitiveness should be a priority task for Polish companies. A well-prepared strategy is a complex solution that prevents loss of clients, reduces profits, and enables financing. It requires several milestones and defining the most important elements. We help to properly plan and successively implement all activities for the greatest benefits.

Launch offset activities

When you have done all you can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the next step is to offset emissions that cannot be reduced. The selection of offsets is a difficult topic, involving conflicting information, and threatened with the danger of greenwashing. Based on our expertise, we help companies make the best decisions.

Establish an external communication strategy

Ensure responsible climate communication, demonstrating your activities in a broader context, and addressing the areas of highest emissivity. We will also show you how to avoid greenwashing in climate declarations.

Educate your employees

When you launch measures to reduce emissions, you might need a new project team. A team trained on the importance of sustainable operations accounts for half of the success. We offer training courses that will allow you to better understand your situation in the face of climate change.

Report to the CDP

One of the ways to showcase corporate environmental policy is to report the results on emissions and environmental activities in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) reports. This helps to measure progress but also shows the company’s position in its industry or against companies of a similar size, both in Poland, Europe, and globally. Disclosure of the results as part of the Carbon Disclosure Project brings a number of benefits, not only image-related but also operational and business-related, such as: competitive advantage, finding new business opportunities, or reaching new customers around the world.